Spent most of last week doin’ that between projects thing: catching up on correspondence, updating the marketing database, and getting manuscripts back in circulation. This sounds more impressive than it actually is.
It did feel good to get some stories back out there, though. My submission stats have dropped to alarming lows over the last few months. They’re still way down, and might stay that way for a while. I attribute this to a few factors: 1) I am utter crap at multitasking, which I believe I’ve mentioned; 2) some of the older stories are, quite frankly, running out of markets and so have to sit until new ones become available; and 3) I’ve actually been selling some stuff.
Whoa. That last one is just plain weird. But in a good way. My inventory is fairly well reduced right now, and with the work I’ve been doing on novels, I haven’t been replenishing the supply of short work.
I did get into dream time on my Halloween story, though. Actually, an idea struck me that’s more suited to a novel, or even a whole boatload of ’em. Seems like that’s all I can think of lately. Also weird. But in a good way.
Anyway, I banged out a little bit of prose yesterday. So, what the hell, here’s a new Magic Meter:
One deadline after another these days. It’s almost like I’m a real writer. And that’s weird, too.
But in a good way.
No updates for Write Club.
Gotta bail.