Progress Report, in which I descend 4100 feet

Back from Denver, and beat from the descent of over 4100 feet (and 500+ miles), so I’ll keep this short.

Managed some meager progress while on the road.  For one thing, I completed Phase I of the Petra Released rewrite, which puts Magic Meter here:

For another, I did a quick rewrite on a short story, for reasons I’ll get into later.

And, as mentioned previously, I attended the Opus Fantasy Festival in Denver, which was a good time.  I got to meet some nice new folks, including nancyhightower , norafleischer , and Jason Heller.  And I hung out with my homegirl Carrie Vaughn.  It’s weird that I can truthfully say Carrie and I go way back.  Weird, but still cool.

Now I’m back from Denver, and ready to collapse on the couch for a bit.  Phase II of the rewrite will wait until tomorrow.

Busy week for Write Club:  Two form rejections from agents on novel queries, and a tier one reject from Escape Pod.

The couch beckons.

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