Rewrote the first four chapters of Wet Work last week, and you know what that means . . .
Yes, folks, it’s time for the long-awaited return of Magic Meter!
All that note-making I’ve been doing over the past several weeks (aka The Roadmap) is apparently paying dividends. If I can keep up this pace, I’ll have the second draft knocked out by the end of June, latest.
But wouldn’t you know it–I leave tomorrow for Hartford, CT, on day job goodness, and thence to NYC for a little Memorial Day weekend jaunt. Laptop is primed and ready, so maybe I’ll get some work done on the plane, but anything beyond that is looking kinda doubtful.
So that’s a pretty big if, kids.
While I’m on the subject of the laptop–I’m pleased to report that Dropbox seems to work just fine on a Windows 2000 machine. I’ve had it on the new PC for a few months now, and have been very pleased with it, but I was unsure if it would install on my aging laptop. Turns out it did. This makes my life a little easier, and anything that makes my life easier gets a thumbs-up. So thank you, Dropbox. Much obliged.
No updates for Write Club.
Gotta pack now . . .
(And if yer in NYC and available for a meetup with the wife and I, let me know in comments, wouldya? Maybe we can work something out.)