Progress Report, in which I make a clear distinction between fiction and real life

Notched 5K on "From Earth I Have Arisen," bringing Magic Meter to here:

Figured out the purpose of that scene I was struggling with last week:  turns out I needed to kill some people.  Truly, I should have thought of that sooner.  Amazing how often violence and mayhem solves my problems.  In fiction, I mean.  I would never think of doing any of this stuff in real life.  Never.  Trust me.

Heh.  Heh.  Heh.

I figure I’m about halfway through this thing.  I suppose I’d have a better estimate if I knew how it was going to end–but as usual, it looks like my muse is dispensing that information on a need-to-know basis only.  That’s just how she operates, folks.  Can’t fight city hall.

Your snippet:

[T]he runway boasted no aircraft of any kind. Heavy trucks stood there instead, lined up in a neat row. He counted seven in all. Numerous figures moved among them–loading or unloading, he guessed. Large boxes and equipment lay about the area, unidentifiable at this range.

The wind was a little too brisk, carrying him more quickly than he would have liked. He would be over and past the airport in a matter of moments. He had to take in as much as he could, and save the analysis for later.

The binoculars resolved a fence that enclosed the perimeter, topped with coils of razor wire. Patrols walked along the fence, their rifles plain to see. The place was guarded like a dad-gummed prison. He wondered if–

A bright beam flickered into life, stabbing at the sky from the north side of the airport. A searchlight.

It swung in his direction.

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