Progress Report, in which I channel Victor Frankenstein

The subplot issue that I was working on last week?  I think I have it resolved.  Kind of.  Enough for me to believe it’s not so insurmountable, anyway.

It’s been that way thus far with Petra Rising.  The obstacles I’ve discovered while making my notes, some of them quite daunting at first, have all just sort of worked themselves out.  I’m telling you, friends, there’s life in this story.  (Cue Victor Frankenstein voice:  “It’s alive!  Alive!”)

(Ahem.  Sorry about that.)

So it appears that I have the first act fairly well in hand, and I have a pretty good idea about the ending.  The second act is a tad murky.  But what the hell; I’ve started with less than this before.  One more week, and then drafting begins.

(It’s alive!  Alive!)


Write Club updates:

Tier one bounces from The Dark and Clarkesworld. Response time, less than 12 hours each.  Speedy!

And a form reject from an agent on a novel query.


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