Shipped From Earth I Have Arisen back to my editors, along with my hopes. I’ve had pretty good luck with requested rewrites; I’m usually able to deliver what the editor has asked for. But this one was a bit more extensive than most, and it’s always possible that they won’t like my changes.
Well, I’ve done what I can, and if it isn’t good enough, I guess I can take some comfort from the wisdom of James Ingram.
While I was at it last week, I shoved another manuscript back into the wild. Best of luck, little story.
The rewrite of Apocalypse Pictures Presents looms, but a day job project has to take priority for the nonce. We’ll see what I can get done this week, but don’t be surprised if the answer is, “Not much.”
Write Club update: Tier one bounce from Buzzy Mag. Response time, 47 days.
And on that note . . .