OK, I’ve decided. The next novel project has been selected. It will be (drumroll please) . . .
The Sequel!
Yes, folks, after much deliberation and consideration of sage advice, I’ve decided to write the next book in the Petra series.
I think.
I mean, I’m pretty sure that’s the way I’m going. I poked a bit at another story idea last week, and much to my surprise, I found some signs of life. Which is encouraging, but I still think I’m proceeding with the sequel. Tentative title: Petra Rising.
So for the next several months, I get to work on something completely unmarketable, unless the first book sells. Hey, at least that takes some of the pressure off.
That’s me—ever the optimist.
Write Club update:
Tier one bounce from Our World of Horror. Response time, 136 days.