Progress Report, in which I prove I’m writing

Notched 3800 words on "From Earth I Have Arisen," which makes Magic Meter look like this:

That original estimate of 20K is looking like a pipe dream.  I might be able to do this in 30K, or it might wind up longer.  There is even a chance–slim, but still a chance–that it will be a short novel.  It’s kind of a mystery at the moment.

It might help if I knew how it was going to end, but of course I don’t.  Yeah, yeah, I hear you:  What else is new?  Possibilities tantalize, though.

So until I have a firmer idea on the length, I’ll just stick with the 20K projection.

And hey!  I’m writin’!  Here’s proof:

He glanced toward the truck.  "Kill those headlights," he said to Robin.

"We’ll need those to–"

"Kill them and shut off the truck.  And keep it quiet."

Her brow puckered.  "Is someone coming after us?"

"Dadgum it, girl, do what I tell you.  Haven’t we talked about this?"

She reared back, her eyes hard.  "If someone’s going to start shooting at us, I think I should know."

Always the defiance with this one.  If she’d been in his unit back in the day, he would have busted her a stripe and given her a week’s worth of latrine duty.  "If you’re worried about getting shot, maybe it would be better to make us invisible.  Kill the dadgum lights."


Write Club update:  Rejection from an agent on a novel query.

Gotta motor.

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