Progress Report, in which I beat the holidays

Right in the teeth of the holiday season, I manage to bang out another 5K on "From Earth I Have Arisen," bringing Magic Meter to here:

Ha!  Take that, holiday season!

Getting there now.  With any luck, I’ll finish by the end of the year.  At which point, I’ll have more to say about this story, especially as it pertains to my 2010 writing goals.  You might find some of it amusing.

Meanwhile, your holiday snippet:

Edwards drew himself up, stowed the radio in his back pocket. "That will be all, Captain. I have an attack to plan."

He headed for the exit door. Oswald lingered, his gaze meeting Wayne’s.

And Wayne Burleson knew in that moment that if he let Edwards leave, he would rot in this cell until the Battle of Glenwood was over–if he weren’t executed first.

"Colonel," Wayne said.

Edwards paused, turned back to him. "What now?"

"What if I told you there were another way to accomplish your mission in Glenwood? A way that wouldn’t risk any of your men?"

Edwards’s mouth quirked. He glanced at Oswald. "I’d say you were stalling. I’d say you were so desperate to save your skin that you’d promise anything. Then I’d say you are in no position to negotiate with me, and that you should know better by now. All right? We done?"

Without waiting for an answer, Edwards turned on his heel and walked away.

Wayne called after him: "Don’t let it happen like this, Colonel! Prove Serena wrong! At least listen to what I–"

The door to the stairs slammed shut behind Edwards.


No updates for Write Club.

Onward . . .

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