Next Stop on the 2015 Rotundo World Tour: OSFest 8

The next stop on the 2015 Rotundo World Tour is right here in Omaha, for the Omaha Science Fiction and Fantasy Festival, aka OSFest.

As previously announced, this year’s Author Guest of Honor is . . . well, me.  This is my first GoH gig.  I’d say I’m excited, but that doesn’t seem to do justice to what I’m feeling.  I am truly honored by this, and hope I can make it worth everyone’s while.

Here’s my schedule, and it’s a busy one:

Friday, July 31st

5:00 pm–Pantsers vs. Planners:  A panel of writers discuss two different approaches to writing, the advantages and disadvantages, varied approaches, etc.  Nebraska A

6:00 pm–Star Wars Match Game:   It’s the classic game show with a Star Wars twist! Join guests of honor and staff with our host Genetic ʺGeneʺ RayBurn as contestants try to win prizes by filling in the ________.  I have a ______ feeling about this!  Main Stage

Saturday, August 1st

9:00 am–Coming up with A Killer Plot:  Have you ever wanted to write a great story with a killer plot? Come join a panel of authors and learn how they compose a plot. We’ll discuss the Hero’s Journey and other tropes, and teach you the necessary parts for a great story!  Colorado C/D

10:00 am–Writing Interesting Characters:  When crafting a story, good authors carefully craft memorable characters. What makes them special? Why are they the way they are? Come listen to professional authors discuss how they come up with fantastic characters to carry a great story along.  Colorado C/D

11:00 am–Going Down the Research Rabbit Hole:  Researching for a story or novel can be a Wonderland rabbit hole with no bottom. New writers often ask, “How much research is enough? When should I stop? Should I stop at all?” And then they scream and fall into the abyss of insanity. This panel of experienced authors will answer those questions before you throw yourself off the cliff into insanity.  Colorado C/D

2:00 pm–Who Will Win the Iron Throne:  So, Song of Ice and Fire fans, you’ve read all the books, watched every episode, read all the fan theories. Now it’s your turn: How do you think it will all shake out? Who will live? Who will die? Who is Jon Snow’s mother? And when winter finally comes, who will wind up sitting the Iron Throne?  (Needless to say, but we’ll say it anyway:  SPOILERS WILL ABOUND, for both the show and books.)  Nebraska B

4:00 pm–Sticking the Landing: Ending Your Story:  Endings are the most powerful moment in books and stories. Why do some endings leave a lasting impact and others just fizzle? How do endings in a series differ from stand-alone stories? This panel will discuss why some endings work or don’t, and how to maximize their impact.  Colorado C/D

5:00 pm–Matthew Rotundo Reading:  Hey, wait.  That’s me!  Remember my motto, folks:  Come for a treat, stay for a tale.  There will be treats.  I always have treats.  Colorado A

10:00 pm–Legends Lost: Leonard Nimoy and Christopher Lee:  A look at the live of Leonard Nimoy and Christopher Lee among others we lost this past year.  Main Stage

Sunday, August 2nd

11:00 am–It Ain’t the Writing, It’s the Rewriting: The Power of Revision:  Rewriting and revising are arguably the most important part of the writing process. These experienced authors talk about revision techniques to make your story shine, without polishing the shine right back off again. How do you find your invisible weaknesses? How do you work around those weaknesses?  Nebraska A

And of course, in between times, I’ll be generally gadding about, as I am wont to do.

If you’re local—or if you’re not local but feeling like a road trip—do stop by.  It should be a blast.

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Signs of Life

You might have noticed that the blog’s been dark for a while.  (Or, more likely, you didn’t.)  But for the three of you out there who read this thing, suffice to say that the Vastly Overrated Real World has been kicking my ass of late, and I hit what can only be called the Nadir of Suck with the death of my father, back in May.

Yeah, in case you hadn’t heard:  my father died last May.  I might write of it sometime, but not at the moment.  For now, I’m too busy trying to crawl back to some semblance of normalcy and productivity.  And let me tell you, my friends, it’s been a lot harder than I dreamed it could be.

I’ve debated whether I even want to continue with the blogging, whether it serves any real purpose.  Then again, one could argue that writing fiction serves no real purpose, either, and I still keep doing that (albeit at a pace lately that one could charitably call glacial, if doing so weren’t an insult to glaciers).  Still, I thought some sort of update was in order, so here it is.

I won’t promise that I will be resuming regular blogging anytime soon.  We’ll just take it slow, and see what develops.

Hope you all are well.

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Progress Report, in which things just keep happening

Oops.  Kinda missed last week’s update.  I kept meaning to do it, and then something else came up, and then something else, and then . . .

Then it was Monday again.

Well.  These things happen.  A lot, lately.

Anyway, you know what else happened?  ConStellation 6, in sunny Lincoln, Nebraska.  Except that it wasn’t so sunny, most of the time.  We managed to enjoy ourselves, anyway.  I had fun doing a Star Wars panel, in which there was lively discussion about the new films.  There was a room party in which I helped dispense some blue concoction I nicknamed Romulan Ale, although said moniker somehow failed to catch on with attendees.  I even sold and signed a copy of Alembical 3, the profits from which I spent the next day in the dealer’s room.

Good times, good times.  But boy, I would sure love for the Vastly Overrated Real World to settle down enough for me to get some writing in.  Maybe someday . . .

Write Club update:

Tier one bounces from Giganotosaurus and F & SF.  Response times, 32 and 12 days, respectively.


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