Free! For a limited time only!

Joe Bonamassa, the greatest guitarist alive, will release his latest CD, Sloe Gin, on the 21st.  If you’d like to listen to a free audio stream of the entire CD, available for a limited time, hie thee to Amazon forthwith.

Never heard of Joe Bonamassa?  How very sad for you.  I plan to hold forth at length on the subject soon (Yes, I know I promised a Rush post.  It’s coming, too.  I’m sure you’re all waiting with bated breath.).  In the meantime, might I suggest you listen to the free audio stream of Joe’s new CD, over on Amazon?

That name, once again, is Joe Bonamassa.  The new CD is Sloe Gin.  And you can listen to a free audio stream over on Amazon.

Did I mention it’s free?

Go.  Now.

ETA:  Offer’s expired now.  If you missed it, your loss.  You’ll have to pick up the CD.

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