My hometown

By now you’ve heard about the shooting in Omaha.

Westroads Mall, the location of the incident, is about eight blocks from where I work.  When the news first broke, we didn’t know whether the gunman was still at large or not.  I’m here to tell you, folks–that’s a sick, sick feeling.

But now it’s all over, and we just have to deal with the aftermath.  First order of business when I got home was to call around, make sure the family was OK.  Everyone’s accounted for, thank goodness.

Nothing more to say about this at the moment, except this:  the killer’s suicide note reportedly said he was going to “go out in style.”  What the hell goes through people’s heads?  How did random shootings become so romanticized in this culture?

Rhetorical question, gang.  I’m in no mood to debate the issue.

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