Progress Report, in which I do not lack for hubris

Feeling a bit under the weather, so this will be brief.

Shoved a couple more mss out the door last week, did some more work on the Sekrit Projekt, and started research on a short story.  This idea is rather big and bold, and I fear it might not be workable.  But I’ll keep digging at it for a bit.  Maybe I can salvage something out of it.  After all, I’m the guy who wrote a novel about a future in which humankind is genetically altered to never need water again–so it’s not like I’m lacking in hubris.

Write Club update:

Tier one bounce from Space and Time, for “In the Hidden Gardens of the Soul.”  Response time, one month.

And there’s one other bit of news, which deserves its own entry.  Watch this space . . .

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