Progress Report, in which I attend to my civic duty

After much foot-dragging and hem-hawing, I’ve finally begun my third draft of Petra.  This is my "clean up" pass, incorporating some suggestions from readers, but for the most part getting the thing ready to submit.  I’ve come to realize over the last week that I’ve been very nervous about doing this, and I’m not sure why.  Most curious. 

Anyway, I did chapter one yesterday.  Twenty-five more to go.  I hope to get this knocked out quickly, allowing me some time to work on the opening chapters of Petra Released before the end of the year.

But for the moment, I have some last minute studying to do.  Some of you may have heard about this election thingy coming up tomorrow.  I already know how I’m voting on the major races, of course, but a lot of the local stuff requires more research on my part.  So I’m off to do that.

And tomorrow, I have to, you know, vote.  And so do you, if you haven’t already.  Take care of that, willya?

See ya on the other side . . .

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