Progress Report, in which I show Don Quixote a thing or two

Query letter, synopsis, and opening pages have been printed out.  Copies have been made.  It’s time to send Petra into the world.

Took a while to reach this point.  Meanwhile, the economy has gone in the toilet and publishers are cutting back or suspending acquisitions of new manuscripts.

Yeah, figures.

Looks like I’ll be tilting at windmills yet again.  But the good news is that I have a lot of practice at it.

In other news, I’ve read through the first three chapters of Petra Released and made some notes.  I thought I might have a substantial amount of work to do on chapter two, but not really, as it happens.  Chapter four, on the other hand, is where I think the real pain begins.  That’s where I start a story line I am very unhappy with at this time.  On the plus side, I have a couple of ideas about fixing it.  Time will tell how much I can salvage.

Anyway, I get to worry about that later.  Right now, I’m focusing on chapters one through three, and on writing a synopsis for that Codex novel contest I mentioned.

I believe Magic Meter may be returning soon.  I know you’ve missed it.

Write Club update:

YFOP from Realms.  Response time, about six weeks.

Now then–Sancho, my lance!  (Take notes, Quixote.  This is how it’s done.)

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