My pimpage

Everyone out there in LJ land already knows that the nomination period for the 2009 Hugo Awards is now open.  So this is the part where I humbly proffer "The Frankenstein Diaries," which appeared in issues 8 and 9 of Intergalactic Medicine Show last year, for your consideration.  It’s a novelette.

Members of last year’s or this year’s WorldCon are eligible to nominate.  If you’re a likely Hugo voter and would like a copy of "The Frankenstein Diaries," leave a note with your contact information in comments.

And I simply cannot let this opportunity pass without once again mentioning James Maxey‘s excellent "Silent As Dust," which appeared in issue 7 of IGMS.  It’s already been picked up for a Year’s Best anthology, so I’m not the only one who was blown away by it.  Seriously, folks, if you haven’t read this one, you need to rectify that situation ASAP.

Here endeth the pimpage.

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