Ever look back on the previous week and think that you’re pretty sure you accomplished some stuff, but now, for the life of you, you can’t really think of what it might have been, and it feels like you spent the last seven days doing nothing but playing hearts on the computer?
Yeah. Me, too.
I embarked on one of my novel crits. That’s something.
I got a few mss back in the mail. That’s something, too.
Oh, and I did another review for Fantasy. It should be up soon. I’ll be sure to let you know when.
So, yeah, I did some stuff. That film review, in particular, was a tricky one to write. But hey, I’m still a neophyte with the form, still learning. And as such, I’m still struggling to get it right. This is a Good Thing. With me being locked into crits for the next month or so, I could use a healthy stretching of the writing muscles.
Yeah, stretching. That’s what I did last week. I stretched.
As far as you know, anyway.
And in that uncertain state, I leave you.