“Ashes, Ashes” in Tales of the Unanticipated #30

Tales of the Unanticipated #30, featuring my story "Ashes, Ashes," is now available!


And I’m not alone.  Check out this groovy table of contents.

Copies are $12.50 each if you order before April 1st.  After that, the price goes up to $14.95.  So get your order in now!

You may have heard me talk about a story I sold on my 24th submission.  That would be "Ashes, Ashes."  It’s always held a special place in my heart.  It also features an opening line I rank among my personal best:

The dead woman seeped through the door of Daniel Branigan’s law office just after two o’clock on a rainy Wednesday afternoon.

This is a mighty handsome magazine, even if I do say so myself.  Enjoy!

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