Progress Report, in which I come to a new understanding of Jar-Jar Binks

Finally finished the read-through of Wet Work.  

You know what?  It’s not half bad.  In fact, the climax is pretty kick ass, even if I do say so myself.

That’s not to say I don’t have a fair amount of work to do.  The second act, largely extemporized, will bear the brunt of the makeover.  I might end up losing a particular setting altogether.  I’m not sure about that bit yet.  In between now and May, I need to sketch out a roadmap for this rewrite, at which point I’ll know more.

One of my secondary characters is in particular need of a rework, too.  I like the guy, but I realize with some dismay that he doesn’t do a single useful thing over the course of the story.  Somewhere along the way, he turned into Jar-Jar Binks.  I guess I never realized how easily something like that could happen (fellow writers take note).  I can almost feel a little sympathy for George Lucas here . . .


Jar-Jar never got fixed in rewrites.  Sorry, George, but that one’s on you.

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