Progress Report, in which I might be a genius

More dream time on the new project . . . and some actual work done on an older one.  Did another draft of "The Hills," incorporating critique feedback.  Minor tweaks, for the most part, but even that little bit can have a big effect.  I think.  I hope.

Or maybe I was just being lazy.

Me?  Nah.

It occurred to me at some point in my ruminations that "The Hills" and this new project might actually be part of the same continuity.  So what the hell–I decided to make it official, inserting a reference that ties the two of them together.  Just for kicks, you understand.  Or maybe it’ll turn out to be something more meaningful than that.  Who knows?  Maybe I’m just a genius who had it planned all along.

Hey, it could happen.

For this week, I hope to finish up my research and find something resembling a plot.  It could happen.

Write Club updates:

Tier one rejection from Apex.  Response time, almost a month. 

And a pass from an agent on a novel query, with a brief personal note.

Gotta motor . . .

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