Progress Report, in which there is strangeness

The new project has been coming in bits and pieces over the last several weeks, a frustratingly slow pace.  But just yesterday, a fairly large chunk of plot dropped into place.  Suddenly I’ve gone from casting about for scraps to feeling like I’m almost ready to start drafting.  Almost, that is.  Not quite there yet, but I think I can see it from here.

This thing is coming together strangely, rather unlike any of my previous work.  Some examples:
Oddity #1–Even at this stage of the game, I’m still not sure what I have here–short story, novella, or novel.  For now, I’m splitting the difference and going with novella, but it might be something longer.  We’ll see.

Oddity #2–For a time, I had thought this would just a fun story, with no great theme or subtext.  But I realized this week that there actually is a theme.  It’s been there all along.  Just imagine my surprise.

These are just the latest examples.  I’m not sure what all this strangeness means.  Maybe it’s crap; maybe it’s brilliant.  Story of my life.

In other news, the Nuke-Con reading went well.  Not a big crowd, but I didn’t expect one.  For my part, I read "Right Before Your Very Eyes," coming soon to Intergalactic Medicine Show, and the reception was pretty positive.  And it was fun to read.  Thanks to Travis Heermann for organizing this, and to Shelly Li for her work on the fliers. 

One stop remains on the 2010 Rotundo World Tour–MileHiCon.  Plans for the 2011 tour are already in the works, BTW.  I know you’re excited.

Write Club update:  Tier 2 rejection from Lightspeed.  Response time, 4 days.

And with that, I bid you a fond adieu, until next time.

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