Progress Report, in which I risk life and limb

Did actual, hands-on, fer-real, honest-to-goodness research last week.  Involving real people and everything.  Hell, I even risked life and limb for the sake of my art.  

More on that last bit anon.  I just wanted to mention it, so that you folks can appreciate what I put myself through for you.

But for purposes of this progress report, suffice to say that I’ve done a lot of prep work on this story, and I really should start actually, you know, writing it.  I’ve even named my characters, so I’ve gotta be close to embarking.

Yet I hesitate.  For one thing, I’m still unclear what length this piece will be.  I know I said last week that I was leaning toward novella, but even now, I’m just not sure.

For another, there are still some blank spots–like the ending, which is pretty much a clean slate.  I know, I know–like I’ve ever let a little thing like that stop me before.

For yet another, I could probably do with still more research–or at least give the research I’ve done some time to settle and percolate into story ideas.

And you know, thanks to a strange set of circumstances that have nothing to do with laziness–nothing at all–I haven’t produced any new fiction at all this year.  None.  Is that what’s really holding me up?

Uh-uh.  No way.  Couldn’t be.  Not me, baby.  I’ve never backed away from a blank page in my life.

Right.  So maybe I should put my verbiage where my mouth is.

Other than the Escape Pod sale, no updates for Write Club.

I’m out.

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