Progress Report, in which I think deep thoughts

The (vastly overrated) Real World reared its ugly head last week, as it is wont to do.  Still, I accomplished a few things:  more Hugo/Nebula reading, some organizing of my office (a project that I expect will last several weeks), and jotting down a few notes on–of all things–time travel.

Hey, I’m a writer and a geek.  We think about these kinds of things from time to time. 

I might get around to posting some of these time travel thoughts, which I found quite interesting and illuminating.  They might not be blazingly original, but they’re at least new to me.  As to whether they will find their way into a story sometime . . . hard to say.  But knowing me, they probably will.

So I’m kind of coasting here lately.  Did you notice?  Yeah.  I’ll settle into some new project soon enough, I figure.

Write Club update:  A personalized note from on a short story, with apologies for the lengthy response time (about 10.5 months).

Till next time . . .

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