Progress Report, in which I enjoy slime

Spent last week doing dream time (read:  scribbling notes) for the next novel–or what I hope is the next novel, anyway.  I’m not sure it’s a novel-length project at this point.  With my luck, it’ll end up in that utterly unmarketable 40-70K limbo, where From Earth I Have Arisen currently resides.

Whoops–veered into Jaded Writer Cynicism for a moment there.  It’s an easy pose to effect, but it’s just that–a pose.  I’m not really that concerned about story length.  It’s more important to me to produce some prose.  I spent too much of last year brooding on marketing considerations.  Got me nowhere.  The story will be what it’ll be, and no amount of brooding will change that. 

It’s not like I have anything else that needs doing at the moment, anyway.  So I’ll keep rooting in the story slime.  Finding some interesting stuff in there, actually.  It hasn’t all coalesced yet, but it’s early days.  And you know, slime can be kinda fun.

Speaking of From Earth, I do still need to embark on a rewrite of that one–but I have more slime to play with first.

Write Club updates:

Tier one reject from Daily Science Fiction.  Response time:  12 days.

Tier two bounce from IGMS.  Response time:  about 6 weeks.


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