Progress Report, in which I once again prove that men are pigs

Continued poking through the story slime . . . at least until about midweek, when I realized that not much was happening.  I mean, sure, I found lots of interesting ideas, but after several weeks of this, I still don’t have a story.  Seems like this novel project just doesn’t want to come out and play.

I suppose I could keep poking, maybe try to force it, but . . . nah.  I’m looking for something that really thrills me, something that gets me excited and scared to try at the same time.  And I haven’t found it yet.

With that in mind, I’m shifting focus to a different possible project, one that’s a bit fresher in my mind, being in the same continuity as From Earth I Have Arisen.  Lightning hasn’t struck yet, but here’s hoping.

Sorry, Abandoned Potential Novel Project.  The spark’s just not there.  And I can’t just sit around waiting for you.  I was born to run, baby, run.  Maybe we can get together next time I come ’round these parts.  No, no–don’t be like that, baby.  No tears.  If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen.

And hello, New Potential Novel Project.  Buy you a drink?

No updates for Write Club.

See you crazy kids next week.

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