Progress Report, in which the race resumes

Yes, folks, you read that correctly:  the race is back on!  And I must say, it’s taken a turn for the very interesting.

In all honesty, I thought Potential Novel Project #1 had jumped out to a well-nigh insurmountable lead.  Sure, I hadn’t spent any real time on Potential Novel Project #2, but PNP1 had so much going for it that I thought PNP2 couldn’t possibly catch up.  Still, I felt I owed it to PNP2 to at least give it a fair shake.

So last week, I spent my Dream Time digging into PNP2—and almost before I knew it, I had most of the major plot points figured out, including the climax.

You have to understand how weird this is for me.  Consider that for Apocalypse Pictures Presents, my previous novel, I was flying blind through almost the entire first draft.  In fact, flying blind has become SOP for me, sitting down to the keyboard with little to no idea how to proceed, just typing away and taking it on faith that I would somehow find my way through to the next chapter.  It’s frustrating and discouraging at times, but I have come to accept it as my process.

Imagine my surprise, then, when almost the entire story just drops into my lap.

Let that be a lesson to you:  every novel is different, kids.  Just when you think you have this writing gig figured out, you find out that you don’t.

So against all odds, it seems that PNP2 has gained an edge on PNP1.  Game = On.

Tune in next week for another exciting installment.

No updates for Write Club.

I’m out.

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