Progress Report, in which I ask the question but fear the answer

I was traveling last week, usually a recipe for productivity disaster.  But as this trip was to a writing retreat, it would perhaps stand to reason that I managed some actual, you know, writing.  Huh.  Who knew?

Magic Meter tells the tale:

Chapter 18 of Apocalypse Pictures Presents is done, and I’m halfway through chapter 19, which should be relatively low maintenance.  After that, only two more chapters to go.  Could it be that I’ll actually finish this thing?  Is there hope?

You know, on second thought, don’t answer that.

Your snippet:

Another burst of gunfire rang out, much closer this time.  Right outside, in fact.  She could feel the impacts in her feet.  They were shooting at the building, she realized.  The lights outside had done their job.

On impulse, she walked toward a door that led to the main entrance.  From her position on her cot, Florence said, “What are you doing?”


Write Club Update:  A tier one bounce from Buzzy Mag.  Response time, 66 days.


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