Progress Report, in which I lament my inability to whistle

5200+ words on Petra Released last week, which makes the Magic Meter look like this:

Add chapter eight to the list of chapters for which my editor brain is promising me much pain during the rewrite.  No choice now but to grit my teeth and move on.  I would say I’m whistling past the graveyard here, but the truth is, I’m sprinting past it.  And I can’t whistle, anyway.

I’m pretty sure I’m approaching the end of the first act, probably with this current chapter.  And I’m beginning to get the feeling that I might come in under my projected word count of 100K.  Weird.  You’d figure with so many different plot threads and five POV characters, this thing would be ballooning on me.  But it’s not.

One never knows, though.  The way ahead is quite hazy.  I may very well stumble onto something big that will change the whole enchilada.  Or it might be a brick wall.  More whistling past the graveyard . . . if, you know, I actually knew how to whistle.  Which I don’t.

Just one Write Club update:   Personalized note from IGMS.

And I’m out.

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