“Right Before Your Very Eyes” Appears at IGMS!

Issue 19 of Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show, featuring "Right Before Your Very Eyes" by yours truly, is now available!

Check out the groovy table of contents:

"Expendables" by Orson Scott Card
"Right Before Your Very Eyes" by Matthew S. Rotundo (artwork by James Owen)
"Schadenfreude" by Michelle Scott
"Deathsmith" by Pete Aldin
"Ghost of a Girl Who Never Lived" by Keffy Kehrli
"Express to Paris by Dragon First Class" by Tom Crosshill

Bonus OSC Story Serialization
Eye for Eye – Part Three
by Orson Scott Card

IGMS Audio
"Expendables" by Orson Scott Card
Read by Orson Scott Card

"Express to Paris by Dragon First Class" by Tom Crosshill
Read by Mary Robinette Kowal

Tales for the Young and Unafraid
Growing Pains by David Lubar

InterGalactic Medicine Show Interviews
InterGalactic Interview With Andy Duncan by Darrell Schweitzer

Here’s a taste of "Right Before Your Very Eyes:"


The time had come for the finale, the vanish. He could put it off no longer, not without raising suspicion.

Barrett Webster stood center stage and held up his hands for silence. "My friends, tonight is a very special night. What you are about to witness has never before been performed."

A stillness descended over the house.

He kept his face solemn, speaking with complete sincerity. "You’re about to see a true vanish. Just like the rest of the wonders you have seen, there will be no cabinets with hidden trapdoors, no curtains to conceal the moment, no smoke or flashes of light to blind you. My assistant, Violet," — he gestured to her, standing stage left, hands at her sides, chin held high — "will, quite literally, disappear from sight."

Violet Navarre wore a white gown with a demure cut. Her dark eyes, normally inscrutable and mysterious, flashed with restrained anticipation. She might have a been modern bride just before the ceremony.

Stirrings and murmurs sounded throughout the auditorium. Some of them sounded like right before your very eyes, but no one dared to yell it. Now was not the time. No one would heckle tonight, no one would break the spell. They took their cues from him, ready to do whatever he wanted.

All the while, the hazy creatures in the audience — the monstrous shapes with the leathery wings and the jack o’lantern eyes, the ones no one but Barrett seemed to see — continued their silent vigil.

He went over it again, thinking back to when it all started to go wrong — only a week previous, though it seemed much longer. He would only get one chance at this. And he had just a few minutes left to figure out why.


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