My NASFiC Programming (I Think)

For those attending NASFiC (that’s North American Science Fiction Convention to you) in Raleigh, I humbly present my schedule.

There have been some glitches with this, so dates and times are subject to change.  But as near as I can tell, here’s where I’ll be:




Reading, 3:00 p.m., RCC 306B

(I give a good reading.  Seriously.  And I’ll have treats for attendees.)




Writing Workshop, Section 2, 7:00 p.m., MAR Alumni




Death of a Character, 3:00 p.m., MAR State Ballroom EF (moderator)


How Have Television/Movies Improved Our SF/F Lives?  5:00 p.m., RCC 305B


Are Clones Kosher?  7:00 p.m., RCC 305B


Great First Lines, 9:00 p.m., RCC 306C




The Art of Information Dumping, Section 2, 2:00 p.m., MAR State EF (moderator)

Hope to see you there!  

Did I mention the treats?

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