Progress Report, in which I miss my calling

Note to self:  Having two cons scheduled less than two weeks apart tends to make one’s schedule . . . rather harried.

Ain’t it the life, though?

No sooner did OSFest wrap up than I had to start preparing for NASFiC in Raleigh.  Mostly, this entailed reading and writing critiques for the workshop–for which I’m paired with Jack McDevitt, which should be cool. 

Seems like I’ve been doing a lot of critiquing this year–or maybe I just put too much time into them.  Certainly the wife seems to think so.  I dunno; I figure that if I’m put on a workshop as a "pro" (for certain values of pro), I owe the participants more than a few vague pronouncements, hastily scribbled.  A critique from me is very detailed.  Maybe I missed my calling; maybe I should have set up a professional editing service.  I can see it now:  Matt Rotundo–Book Doctor Extraordinaire.

Hey, ma, lookit me; I’m your son, the doctor.

Nah, probably not.

Anyway, I’m off to Raleigh in a few days.  Maybe I’ll see some of you there.

Laterz . . .

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