Progress Report, in which I sum up

Last week was all about the NASFiC in Raleigh, North Carolina.  A detailed accounting of the goings-on there would be . . . uh, detailed.  So it’ll have to wait.

In sum, I met old friends (including a few whose appearance at NASFiC was a complete surprise to me), made new ones, gave a reading, did a workshop, bought books, attended numerous panels and parties meet and greets, sampled new cuisines (genuine NC barbecue . . . mmm), drank beer, skimped on sleep, said numerous good-byes, and arrived home drained but happy for the experience.

It was, in other words, a convention.

My thanks to everyone who worked so hard on this NASFiC, and my fondest regards to all my peeps out there, now once again scattered to the four winds.  Till next time, me droogies.

Write Club update:  A no from Bull Spec, with apologies for the long wait–about nine months.

Pardon me; my to-do list beckons.

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My NASFiC Programming (I Think)

For those attending NASFiC (that’s North American Science Fiction Convention to you) in Raleigh, I humbly present my schedule.

There have been some glitches with this, so dates and times are subject to change.  But as near as I can tell, here’s where I’ll be:




Reading, 3:00 p.m., RCC 306B

(I give a good reading.  Seriously.  And I’ll have treats for attendees.)




Writing Workshop, Section 2, 7:00 p.m., MAR Alumni




Death of a Character, 3:00 p.m., MAR State Ballroom EF (moderator)


How Have Television/Movies Improved Our SF/F Lives?  5:00 p.m., RCC 305B


Are Clones Kosher?  7:00 p.m., RCC 305B


Great First Lines, 9:00 p.m., RCC 306C




The Art of Information Dumping, Section 2, 2:00 p.m., MAR State EF (moderator)

Hope to see you there!  

Did I mention the treats?

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Progress Report, in which I miss my calling

Note to self:  Having two cons scheduled less than two weeks apart tends to make one’s schedule . . . rather harried.

Ain’t it the life, though?

No sooner did OSFest wrap up than I had to start preparing for NASFiC in Raleigh.  Mostly, this entailed reading and writing critiques for the workshop–for which I’m paired with Jack McDevitt, which should be cool. 

Seems like I’ve been doing a lot of critiquing this year–or maybe I just put too much time into them.  Certainly the wife seems to think so.  I dunno; I figure that if I’m put on a workshop as a "pro" (for certain values of pro), I owe the participants more than a few vague pronouncements, hastily scribbled.  A critique from me is very detailed.  Maybe I missed my calling; maybe I should have set up a professional editing service.  I can see it now:  Matt Rotundo–Book Doctor Extraordinaire.

Hey, ma, lookit me; I’m your son, the doctor.

Nah, probably not.

Anyway, I’m off to Raleigh in a few days.  Maybe I’ll see some of you there.

Laterz . . .

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