Progress Report, in which I once again demonstrate my sunny optimism

So blog posts continue to be sporadic, obviously.  For me, it’s been all Petra, all the time.  (And hey, did I mention I’ve published a novel?  And that if you’re a potential Hugo and/or Nebula voter, I can get you a copy?)


Anyway, now that I have basically taught myself how to make a book, I’ve turned my attention back to other writing stuff, like updating my database, getting some short stories back into circulation, and—wait.  What’s that up ahead?  Could it be Magic Meter?

Yes, folks, I’ve actually banged out some new verbiage on Petra Rising.  Which is good, as I’m gonna need a finished novel sometime before the onset of the next ice age.  Got a long way to go yet, clearly, but the journey of a thousand miles . . . well, you know the rest.

A snippet, for your perusal:

“Even that’s too much.”  Loren’s tone was firm.  “We can’t have a member of the leadership council toddling off to Control on a wild goose chase.”

The ghost of a smile touched Kane’s face.  “And now we come to the second part of my proposal.” 

“Which is?”

“I’m resigning my seat on the council.  Effective immediately.”

With that, Kane stood and exited the room, trailing silence in his wake.

Hell, I even have a Write Club updates:

Four days to a tier two bounce from Fantastic Stories of the Imagination.

And after 706 days, I’m finally, officially giving up on Inscription.  I may be the last person on Earth to do so.  I guess I’m just too much of an optimist, sometimes.

Really, though, isn’t that what these progress reports are all about?  Optimism?  Or at least hope?

Yeah, maybe.  I’ll try not to take so long to send the next update.

‘Til then . . .

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2015 Pimpage, aka Petra is available for your nominating pleasure


So it seems that award season is upon us once again.

If you’re reading for the Nebulas or Hugos, and are looking for some slam-bang space opera adventure, you might enjoy my novel Petra, published December 2015.  If you’d like a copy, hit me up in the comments.  I have mobi and epub versions available.

As always, I encourage you to read widely and recognize that which you deem worthy.

Here endeth the pimpage.  For now.

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Petra is here!

And just like that, Petra, my debut novel, is released into the wild.



Any questions?

Holy wow, Matt!  That’s awesome!  Where can I get my copy?

So glad you asked.  It’s available here.

What’s it about again?

Here’s some jacket copy for you:

Welcome to Petra.

It is the ultimate prison. Inmates from all of Ported Space are dumped there, forgotten, and left to survive however they can. Hope dies. Escape is impossible.

Disillusioned war hero Kane Pythen comes to Petra on a fact-finding mission, but gets caught in an uprising that threatens to expose a shattering secret. And Rolf Ankledge, Petra’s ruthless warden, will stop at nothing to keep it from reaching Ported Space. If Kane involves himself, he risks losing everything he has. If he does nothing, he betrays the last shreds of his ideals.

The prison break of the millennium is on. Now Kane must race against time and vicious forces from all over Petra if he ever wants to see his wife and daughter again.

Sounds groovy!  Besides buying Petra, is there anything I can do to help?

Tell a friend.  Heck, tell all your friends.  And if you enjoyed the book, please do leave a review for it.

I can’t stress that last point enough.  Word of mouth is critical for all writers, but doubly so for us indie authors.  You don’t have to write a major essay.  Even a sentence or two helps.  And in addition to helping me, you’ll also be helping out your fellow readers.  So, you know, win-win.

I like dead tree books.  What about print?

A print edition is coming soon.  I’ll announce here when it’s available.

And when’s the next book coming out?

Sometime in early 2016.

Can you be more specific?

Tell you what:  sign up for my mailing list, and you’ll be among the first to know when it’s available.

No spam, I promise.  Your email will never be shared, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Well, that’s just awesome, Matt.

You already said that.  But thanks.

If you have any other questions, leave ’em in comments.

And that’s about it, except to say I hope you enjoy Petra.

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